Here is the list of my publications. You can check my complete publication on my researchgate
Selected Peer Reviewed Journal Paper
1 . Surantha N, Sugijakko B. Lightweight face recognition-based portable attendance system with liveness detection. Internet of Things. 2024 Apr 1;25:101089.
2. Surantha, N., and I.D. Gozali. 2023. “Evaluation of the Improved Extreme Learning Machine for Machine Failure Multiclass Classification” Electronics 12, no. 16: 3501.
3. Vincentdo, V.; Surantha, N. Nutrient Film Technique-Based Hydroponic Monitoring and Controlling System Using ANFIS. Electronics 2023, 12, 1446.
4.Simanjuntak E, Surantha N. Multiple time series database on microservice architecture for IoT-based sleep monitoring system. Journal of Big Data. 2022 Dec;9(1):1-9.
5. N. Surantha, O. K. Utomo, E. M. Lionel, I. D. Gozali and S. M. Isa, “Intelligent Sleep Monitoring System based on Microservices and Event-Driven Architecture,” in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3167637.
6. Surantha N, Putra NA. Integrated SDN-NFV 5G Network Performance and Management-Complexity Evaluation. Future Internet. 2022 Dec;14(12):378.
7. Atmaja P, Surantha N. , Smart hydroponic based on nutrient film technique and multistep fuzzy logic. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708). 2022 Jun 1;12(3).
8. N. Surantha, Alvin C, Lusiana T. ENHANCING HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE WITH GEO-IP DNS BASED LOAD BALANCING. Int J Innov Comput Inf Control ICIC Int c. 2021;17(6):1937–53.
9. N. Surantha, T.F. Lesmana, S.M. Isa, “Sleep Stage Classification using Extreme Learning Machine and Particle Swarm Optimization for Healthcare Big Data”, Journal of Big Data, Springer Open, Vol. 8, No. 14, 2021.
10. N. Surantha, Z. Hakim, “Network Performance and Management-complexity Evaluation of Software- Defined Access Network in Multi-Tenancy Scenario”, International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), Vol. 11., No. 1, Jan. 2021
11. R. Saputra, N. Surantha, “Smart and real-time door lock system for an elderly user based on face recognition”, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 10., No. 3, 2021.
12. V. Simadiputra, N. Surantha, “Rasefiberry: Secure and Efficient Raspberry-Pi based Gateway for Smarthome IoT Architecture” Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2021.
13. Herman, N. Surantha, ”Smart Hydroculture Control System based on IoT and Fuzzy Logic,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp.207-221, Feb. 2020. 10.24507/ijicic.16.01.207
14. R. Rohmantri and N. Surantha, “Arrhythmia Classification using 2D Convolutional Neural Network” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 11(4), 2020.
15. N. Surantha, C. Adiwiputra, O. K. Utomo, S. M. Isa and B. Soewito, “IoT System for Sleep Quality Monitoring using Ballistocardiography Sensor” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 11(1), 2020.
16. Surantha, N., Liujaya, S., Sunardy, A., Harvy, I., Design and Evaluation of Indoor Positioning System for User Access Management in Data Center,(2019)International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), 9 (6), pp. 393-402.
17. Surantha, N., & Wicaksono, W. R. (2019). An IoT based House Intruder Detection and Alert System using Histogram of Oriented Gradients. Journal of Computer Science, 15(8), 1108-1122.
18. N. Surantha, T. Uwai, Y. Nagao, M. Kurosaki, B. Sai, and H. Ochi,”A Channel Estimation for a MISO DVB-T2 System in High Speed Environment,” RISP Journal of Signal Processing, vol.17, no.5, pp.179-188, Sept. 2013.
Selected International Conference Paper
1. Surantha N, Yamashina E, Sato Y, Iwao T. Power Transmission Line Component Detection Using YOLOv7 on Single-Board Computer Platforms. In2024 IEEE 99th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Spring) 2024 Jun 24 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. 10.1109/VTC2024-Spring62846.2024.10683056
2. Surantha N, Yose E, Isa SM. Low-Resolution Face Recognition for CCTV and Edge-Powered Smart Attendance Systems. In2024 IEEE 48th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) 2024 Jul 2 (pp. 676-681). IEEE. 10.1109/COMPSAC61105.2024.00097
3. Surantha N, Utomo OK, Isa SM. High-Performance and Resource-Efficient IoT-based Sleep Monitoring System. In2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring) 2020 May 25 (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
3. Arif N.H., Surantha N. (2020) IoT Cloud Platform Based on Asynchronous Processing for Reliable Multi- user Health Monitoring. In: Barolli L., Hussain F., Ikeda M. (eds). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 993. Springer, Cham, Sydney, Australia
4. Utomo OK, Surantha N, Isa SM, Soewito B. Automatic Sleep Stage Classification using Weighted ELM and PSO on Imbalanced Data from Single Lead ECG. Procedia Computer Science. 2019 Jan 1;157:321-8.
5. Pradityo F, Surantha N. Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Controlling System based on IoT and Fuzzy Logic. In2019 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2019 Jul 24 (pp. 1-6). IEEE, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
6. N. Surantha, N. Sutisna, Y. Nagao, H. Ochi, “SoC design with HW/SW co-design methodology for wireless communication system,” Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), 2017 17th International Symposium on, Cairns, Australia, Sept. 2017.
7. N. Surantha, A. Maria, Y. Nagao, H. Ochi, “Multiprocessor system-on-chip design for industrial wireless application,” IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices, Bandung, Indonesia, Nov. 2016.
8. I. Syafalni, N. Surantha, H. Ochi, “Assertion-Based Verification of Industrial WLAN System,” 2016 IEEE International Symposiums on Circuit and Systems (ISCAS), Montreal. May. 2016.
9. Tatsumi Uwai, Leonardo Lanante, Baiko Sai, Hiroshi Ochi, Yuhei Nagao, Nico Surantha,” Live Demonstration: IEEE802.11 Wireless LAN System Verification Platform,” 2014 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), pp. 175-176, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, November 2014
10. Nico Surantha, Yuhei Nagao, Masayuki Kurosaki, Hiroshi Ochi, “A Computationally Efficient Sampling Frequency Offset Estimation for OFDM based Digital Terrestrial Television System” IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2013), London, UK, Sept. 2013.
11. Nico Surantha, Tatsumi Uwai, Yuhei Nagao, Masayuki Kurosaki, Baiko Sai, and Hiroshi Ochi, “Pilot Aided Channel Estimation for a 2×2 MIMO DVB-T2 System in High Speed Mobile Environment,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-Fall (VTC-Fall) 2012, Quebec, Canada, Sept, 2012.
1. 九州工業大学, ニコ スランタ, 黒崎 正行, 尾知 博, “チャネル推定装置およびチャネル推定プログラム,” 特開 2014-158113, Aug. 28, 2014, 特願 2013-027126, Feb. 14, 2013.
In English:
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Nico Surantha, Masayuki Kurosaki, Hiroshi Ochi, “Channel Estimator Program and Apparatus,”
Japanese Patent Publication No. 2014-158113, Aug. 28, 2014,
Japanese Patent Application No. 2013-027126, Feb. 14, 2013.
2. Yayasan Bina Nusantara, Nico Surantha, Rezki Saputra, ” Sistem Kunci Pintu Pintar, ” Paten sederhana No. aplikasi S00202104207, Juni. 7, 2021.
In English:
Yayasan Bina Nusantara, Nico Surantha, Rezki Saputra, ” Smart Door Lock System, ” Indonesian Patent Application No. S00202104207, June. 7, 2021.
3. Aplikasi “Goodsleep”, Hak Cipta, No. Pendaftaran: EC00201979174, Tahun Pelaksanaan 2019, Status: Granted, No. HKI:000161697
4. “MONITORLITE: Aplikasi Mobile Pemantau Posisi Di Ruang Data Center”, Hak Cipta, No. Pendaftaran: 172390, Tahun Pelaksanaan 2019, Status: Granted, No. HKI:EC00201992196
5. Aplikasi “EZ-HYDROPONIX”, Hak Cipta, No. Pendaftaran: EC00201979356, Tahun Pelaksanaan 2019, Status: Granted, No. HKI:000162324
6. Aplikasi Web untuk Evaluasi Kegiatan Belajar-Mengajar di Sekolah Menengah UmumKejuruan Berbasis Model Kirkpatrick, Hak Cipta, No. Pendaftaran: EC00201861141, Tahun Pelaksanaan 2018, Status: Granted, No. HKI:000130502
7. MyHealthAware: APLIKASI MOBILE PEMANTAU KESEHATAN PASIEN BERDASAR DATA SINYAL ECG, Hak Cipta, No. Pendaftaran: EC00202205904, Tahun Pelaksanaan 2022, Status: Granted, No. HKI:000321189